Erikoisnäyttely Hollolassa 23.2.2025 Tuomari: Michael Kristensen, Tanska
Erikoisnäyttelyn virallisten luokkien täydet tulokset ja arvostelut ovat nähtävissä Showlinkin tulospalvelusta. SohvaChampion -luokan tulokset ja arvostelut:
SC1 Very Vigie Inside Rock Arvostelu: Almost 5 years old, up to size. Masculine head with correct proportions, soft expression and happy temperament. A bit upright in shoulder and upper arm, would prefer a little bit more substance in body proportions, well angulated. Covers the ground well with good reach and drive with slightly sloping topline. Well presented and happy temperament. Tulos: Urosten 1., ROP-SohvaChampion
SC2 Very Vigie Viva La Vida Arvostelu: 2.5 years, masculine, up to size and overall impression is a little bit long. Masculine head with correct proportions, soft expression, well set ears, would prefer a little bit more neck, well laid back shoulder and correct upper arm. Would prefer a little bit longer ribcage and shorter loin. A bit low tail-set. Well angulated hindquarters. Covers the ground well from the side, I would prefer more solid topline in movement. Silky coat, well presented and happy temperament. Tulos: Urosten 2.
SC3 Madman’s Crack The Riddle Arvostelu: 4,5 years old, feminine, good size. Feminine head, soft expression, correct stop and a bit dominant in cheeks. Would prefer a bit longer neck, a bit straight in shoulder and upper arm, excellent bone, good body proportions, good tail-set. Well angulated hindquarters. Covers the ground well from the side, a bit unstable front movement. Well presented and happy temperament. Tulos: Narttujen 3.
SC4 Serene Sunflower Arvostelu: 3.5 years old of excellent breed type, up to size. Feminine head and soft expression. Well musseled foreface, correct stop. Would prefer a little bit longer neck, a little bit upright in shoulder, correct upper arm. Excellent body proportions, good length of ribcage, a little bit long in loin. Well set tail and good rear angulation. Covers the ground well with slight sloping top-line, well presented and happy temperament. Tulos: Narttujen 1., VSP-SohvaChampion
SC5 Very Vigie A Go-Getter Tulos: POISSA
SC6 Very Vigie I’ll Be Fame ND Fortune Tulos: POISSA
SC7 Very Vigie Oh My Gosh Arvostelu: Almost 4 years old, excellent breed type. Feminine head, a little dominant in cheeks, correct stop, would prefer a little bit longer neck. Well laid back shoulder, which is a little bit open, correct upper arm, excellent body proportions. Strong loin and well angulated hindquarters. Covers the ground well with slightly sloping topline. Would prefer a little less weight today, well presented. Tulos: Narttujen 2.
SC8 Very Vigie Thank God Arvostelu: Almost 3 years old. Excellent type, up to size. Feminine head, soft expression, correct stop, well set ears, good length of neck, well laid back shoulder, correct upper arm, ribcage of good length, a little bit low tail set. Moves with good drive from behind, a bit short and unstable in the front and keep the tail a bit high on movement. Well presented and happy temperament. Tulos: Narttujen 4.
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Parhaat Liikkeet: Very Vigie First Things First Paras Pää: Very Vigie Fantastico Paras Trimmaus: Very Vigie Veni Vidi Vici, trimmaaja Iitu Kelokorpi
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